Wandering through urban landscapes, from New York to Tokyo, from Hong Kong to Tilburg, Marjolein Landman searches for the beauty of decay and destruction. Bright colours, the sparkles that reflect or the darkness of oil and tar residues. Moreover, she is fascinated by the dynamic spaces between the buildings that rise, where human life manifests itself in many ways.
Dwalend door stedelijke landschappen, van New York tot Tokio, van Hongkong tot Tilburg, speurt Marjolein Landman naar de schoonheid van verval en destructie. Felle kleuren, de schitteringen die weerspiegelen of de duisternis van olie- en teerresten. Daarenboven wordt ze gefascineerd door de dynamische ruimten tussen de bouwwerken die oprijzen, waar het menselijke leven zich op vele manieren manifesteert.
“enchanted by the metropolis”
betoverd door de metropool
starring artist portrait 03:
marjolein landman
text notes:
tilburg *)
dutch modern creative (university) city of 220,000 inhabitants in the heart of the province
of north brabant. 9,000-year-old traces of tilburg have been found. the city flourished as a
result of the emerging textile industry from the end of the 19th century.
tilburg art academy *)
the academy of fine arts and architecture is established in 1920.
nowadays, theatre, dance and music and related are also part of the
fontys school of fine and performing arts.
piet dieleman *)
dutch sculptor, painter, draftsman and photographer
hans de wit *)
dutch visual artist – draftsman
elisabeth de vaal *)
dutch visual artist – painter
the unique building of the art academy at professor cobbenhagenlaan tilburg *)
built in 1972 architect hugh maaskant in 2003 it acquired the status of municipal monument
hugh maaskant also designed the the administrative high-rise building for the provincial
government north brabant in den bosch (1971)
colours *)
chrome oxit green
dead head purple
luycks gallery
happy cloud 2017
jacques palinckx
dutch composer – gitarist
happy cloud – imprositions & suspicion 2017
new york, tokio, hong kong, tilburg
marjolein landman
litho xxl
beeldenstorm / daglicht (iconoclasm / daylight) eindhoven
dutch lithography museum valkenswaard
supported by:
nbks – new brabant art foundation, breda
municipality of tilburg
province of north brabant
thanks to
guest studio tacheles berlin
ruimte x (space x ) tilburg
dutch cacao factory helmond
de verschijning (the apparition) tilburg

portrait 03 – marjolein landman
enchanted by the metropolis
camera and video editing: tom pijnenburg
research, editorial, text titles: jan doms
graphic design: jan doms
opening sequence: pieter reijnen & tom pijnenburg
sound: aspa petrov – prefuse 73 dvořák
ernst bonis – composition taksim
music end credits:
dj jac van bussel – dmdn
shaken not stirred 2003
lokaal breda
portrait 03 – marjolein landman
enchanted by the metropolis
is made possible by:
production and distribution:
internationals art channel foundation
tilburg – heart of brabant
the netherlands
portrait 03 – marjolein landman
enchanted by the metropolis
art © channel